Sun Tunnel

Source: vchal/

There's really nothing better than waking up or lounging around in a room filled with natural light. And the most efficient way to reap the benefits is to install a sun tunnel or skylight. 

It might seem like an easy choice, but there are significant differences between the two. While skylights are useful in ventilation and saving on your energy bills, a sun tunnel works best in spots skylights can't reach. 

If you've been thinking of introducing natural light into your home, keep reading to learn the differences between a sun tunnel vs. a skylight. 

Understanding Sun Tunnels

Unlike the rectangular skylight typically found in homes, a sun tunnel is polished sheet metal shaped into a tube. Natural light reflects off the polished interior and flows down towards the light diffuser and into the room without losing its integrity. 

The best spots to install sun tunnels are smaller spaces that don't get enough light. They're best suited for areas that have trouble getting enough light as it is. It can be the laundry room in the basement, the dimly lit hallway with no windows and even that bathroom tucked away in the corner.

Order Your Sun Tunnel Today!

When you order your sun tunnel, you have two options. 

The first option is the flexible tunnel, which is an excellent choice if you require navigating short obstacles. And while there are twists and turns involved, it's an easy installation process due to the material's natural flexibility. 

A rigid tunnel, the second option, is the better choice if there's straight access from the roof to the room's ceiling. Rigid tunnels provide stronger, brighter light and are better suited for longer distances between the roof and ceiling. 

If skylight prices are too high, then installing a sun tunnel is an economical way to reap the benefits of natural light in your home. However, long runs from the roof to your basement can see your total cost rise a significant amount. 

Despite the price jump, the money saved on your energy bills over time goes beyond the initial installation costs – even accounting for extra VELUX sun tunnel parts

Need Replacement VELUX Sun Tunnel Parts? We Have Those, Too!  

empty room with a rustic timber ceiling and skylights

Source: Digital Storm/

Understanding Skylights

Like sun tunnels, skylights are attached directly on top of your roof, but have the added benefit of ventilating the room. You could say that skylights provide more value economically. 

They efficiently minimize costs to heat, cool and light your room, ultimately leading to increased savings. Modern skylights have come a long way from the leaky, faded bubbles found lying on older homes. 

Nowadays, you can find new designs in various shapes and sizes to suit any homeowner's taste. Once you decide what looks best, you can say goodbye to dimly lit rooms when you install a quality skylight, even on overcast days. 

Because of the size and installation process, there will likely be more expenses when compared to a sun tunnel. It may require installing new drywall, repainting spots and making changes to the frame. 

But due to the technological advancements skylights have made, you'll likely recoup the costs through energy savings in a couple of years. And when it’s professionally installed, you won't have to worry about spending money on repairing leaks or damages. 

man sitting at a table thinking

Source: fizkes/

Which Option Is Right for You? 

When contemplating between a sun tunnel vs. a skylight, there are several factors to consider. 

For example, are you interested in it solely for the natural light or do you also want to create a sense of space and look outside? You'll also want to consider your budget, the amount of light you want and energy efficiency.

Both products provide excellent avenues for natural light to flood your home. Understandably, it's a difficult choice when they both add significant value. 

Contact our experts with any questions to help you choose the best option to brighten your home.